We will be at the National Folk Festival!
Australian Landscape Jewellery will have a stall at the National Folk Festival in Canberra over the Easter weekend. We are part of the Handmade in Australia initiative, but these stalls are not corralled into one area, but scattered throughout the Festival.
You'll find us between the Cog and Wheel Bar and the Carnivale venue on the western side of the street, opposite the Village Green. See the map below or on the National Folk Festival program on their website.
2019 is the first year we have had a stall at 'The Nash', although we have been to most of them from 1967 onwards (wow, that's a long time!). As Talunga Music I ran a stall in the '80's and '90s and I've been an MC, Stage Manager, performer, dancer or just plain spectator at an astonishing number of Festivals. But this is the first year that we've done it as Australian Landscape Jewellery.
I can't wait to get to the Festival and set up. It's going to be a fun few days. 'Five days in a perfect world' indeed