What a time we had! National Folk Festival 2019

What a time we had! National Folk Festival 2019

Easter saw us in Canberra for the National Folk Festival.  We have both been to untold National Folk Festivals in various roles as performers, stage managers, bus drivers, MC's, dancers or just as the all-important spectators (where would the performers be without them?).  Many, many years ago when ‘The Nash’ moved around the country, I was a stall holder, trading as part of Talunga Music selling records (yes, THAT long ago!).  It still feels a little strange to see that ‘orange book’ Begged, Borrowed & Stolen produced in 1979 is still in use by buskers, in sessions and indeed still on sale.


It was a wonderful Easter weekend.  The weather in Canberra was perfect – bright, sunny days, not much wind, and clear, star-filled nights.


We started the set-up om Wednesday afternoon and soon had the basics of the stall set up.  Thursday morning was for setting out the jewellery, last-minute pricing and final polishing and fine-tuning the lights.  By Thursday afternoon we were ready to greet people.



Monday produced some pretty serious rain, but we were ready for it and managed to survive pretty well.  Wonderful what a bit of thought and preparation can do.  Everything was up off the floor on bricks etc so even a couple of minor rivers coursing through the tent did little damage.



Many old friends both from the folk music world and jewellery customers came to visit.  Some of them I’d not seen for nearly 40 years! Some long-term and valued clients even bought a day ticket to the Festival just to come and see the jewellery and make another purchase! Of course they enjoyed the music and atmosphere as well, making it a fun day out.  I was delighted that so many people started the conversation with ‘I have a piece of your jewellery ….’. Floriade has been good for us.


It was such a good time that we will apply to the National Folk Festival again for next year.  Let’s hope we can get in.